Magic Spells to Increase your Net Worth upto $130 Million

Photo by ABDALLA M on Unsplash

Magic Spells to Increase your Net Worth upto $130 Million

When I saw the M.S. Dhoni - The Untold Story it just hit my heart deeply. I was pondering how a railway ticket collector who was earning around 4 lakhs per annum at his early 20s which was a commentable job, then the hit of Magic spell of Determination towards his Passion turned him as Captain Cool with the net worth of $113 Million👀😄


We all know how much hard is to hit helicopter shot by using the BAT, but with the Magic Potion of determination + hardwork + practice -he stamped it in his history as the inventor of the famous Helicopter shot.

The power to bounce back stronger after every fall is essential- by BALL🏏

Does this Magic spell of determination worked out only in his life ?

Rowan Atkinson's sluttering problem almost cost him his career, but Atkinson overcame his disability and fear by exposing himself to the same fear. He did not shy away, but instead took to the stage and faced the world with Magic Potion of determination + enthusiasm.

Surprisingly, he still lives with the disorder. But as is clearly evident, he never let it keep him down. In fact, in creating Mr. Bean (still in my favourite playlists💓), he used it to his advantage!

Ludwig Van Beethoven wrote his immortal symphonies when he was deaf.

In a prison cell, John Bunyan wrote Pilgrim's Progress, a book that is one of the epics of English literature.

Glenn Cunningham who was horribly burned in a school fire at the age of 8 and doctor's predicted he would never walk again. 22 years later, he took his first steps and through sheer determination he ran a mile in 4:06:8 minutes, breaking the world's record.

John Milton wrote Paradise Lost when he was blind.

Robert Louis Stephenson was never, even for one hour, free from pain and a hacking cough. He suffered from fever and tuberculosis. Yet he wrote Treasure Island.

"What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me" -HELEN KELLER. She overcame the adversity of being blind and deaf to become one of the 20th century's leading humanitarians as well as co-founder of the ACLU, it's net worth is $300 million👀😄.

The Magic Spell of Determination surmounted their incapabilities and made them now what they are!!!



Just repeat this sentence in yourself from the beginning of whatever work you do( personal fav Magic Spell !).

5 minutes is enough to change! (mind: what the hell😂)…..yeah 5 minutes takeoff this is the second Magic Spell, just do the thing you procrastinated for so long for just 5 minutes, for example if you want to go for a jog just wander outside for just 5 minutes then see the magic.

We all are gifted with some fascinating special skills and what we need is to discover that skill, sharpen it and use it to stamp our mark in this world by using the MAGIC SPELLS as our wand.

Still not convinced with the power of these Magic Spells🪄 , wow you are a tough person it seems, this is a good quality! , but if you step into what you want, no one can stop you that's what I like from these kind of people. So definitely tryout 5 minutes takeoff Magic Spell( specially made for you💗)and start doing ABRACAA DABRAAA around you🪄.

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